The Regional Safe Schools Program (RSSP) is a grant based program provided by the Regional Office of Education that is designed for Vermilion County students in grades 6-12 who have been suspended for 20 days or more or expelled from their home schools, but still want to continue their education. The student may attend RSSP for the length of their suspension or expulsion, and, in some cases, may petition to remain at RSSP beyond their suspension or expulsion. While most students are regular education students, students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may also be referred. Students will be denied admittance to RSSP if he/she is a safety concern to students and/or staff. Every RSSP admittance decision will be determined on a case by case basis.
RSSP offers students small class sizes. Staff consists of two teachers and a behavior interventionist shared between the classes. There is a junior high classroom and high school classroom, each taught by teachers certified at those levels. The classrooms are highly structured, with a charting system and levels that the students strive to achieve. Academics are offered at the level that each student needs through individualized and group instruction.
Each student also receives counseling services on a weekly basis through a certified school social worker. The social worker also works with the families to connect them with a variety of community resources that would be beneficial. The primary focus, both in the classroom and in counseling, is to give students the social and behavioral skills they need to successfully return to their home schools. The students remain at RSSP for the length of their suspension or expulsion. At that time, they may return to their home schools, or they may petition the Regional Office of Education to remain in RSSP to receive additional assistance.
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