Our local Illinois EIevating Special Education (IESE) area staff is off & running into the new school year! For those who don't know, IESE works directly with administrators, teachers, & support personnel in our region. They have four main objectives that focus on Special Education Teacher retention including coaching, mentoring, professional development, & parent education, as well as supporting all staff who work with students with disabilities. For more information, please visit their website at www.iesenetwork.org.
What this means for your district or school is that Special Education Teachers can receive another layer of support at no cost. IESE also provides school-wide professional development. All resources & services are entirely free. Here are a few opportunities currently available w/IESE:
Area 4 - Community of Practice (COP)
Area 4 - FY24 PD Opportunities
Area 4 - Remote PD Opportunities
To schedule a meeting with Ashton or Melinda, please feel free to reach out & discuss a time that works best for you and your team.